Saturday, November 29, 2014

Late Night Overthinking Kills.. Or Maybe Not

They say late night overthinking, kills. Well if that's the case, I should have died a long time ago. I am a worrier, and find myself thinking and worrying a lot during times when I should be asleep.

The last couple weeks have given me many things to think about. Notice, I didn't say "worry" about. At the start to my "last couple of weeks" I thought for sure that I was about to face the hardest and saddest times I've had in a long time. I was going from getting to spend my birthday and all the upcoming holidays with someone I love and have loved for a while to everything falling apart very quickly and knowing that all my time would be spent alone. 

Well.... The days past, my birthday came and went, Thanksgiving came and went. And here I am, a stronger and happier person... I quickly realized that the times I thought would be the longest and saddest times of my life, turned out to be the biggest eye opening times I've ever had. I learned that even though there may be one person who decided he no longer wanted to spend time with me, there are so many others who do want to. There were literally hundreds of people who not only made my birthday happy but caused me to see that "who cares if that one person no longer wanted to talk to me, look at all these other people who do want to!" 

What I thought would be the hardest weeks of my life, turned out to be the best time that something so sad could have happened to me, and it makes me so thankful for the people who choose to be in my life right now! 


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